Greening-up our Supply Chain

In an ever-more-connected world, we are not just responsible for what we do – we are also accountable for what is done on our behalf. JOG is now a member of First Point Assessment (FPAL), a leading O&G supply chain database, which provides the opportunity for a new kind of procurement, with less risk and equally high standards that mirror our own.

Jersey Oil & Gas is committed to an open and honest relationship with all our contractors and suppliers, delivering a Procurement & Supply Chain Management system that is responsible and professional.  Our processes are aligned to the principles set out in the OGA’s MER UK Supply Chain Delivery Programme.

In selecting our Supply Chain partners we utilise the First Point Assessment Limited FPAL database, supplemented by other information as applicable. This independent single source supplier database provides an efficient means to identify and pre-qualify suppliers. FPAL also contains a forward work plan for Jersey Oil & Gas activities in the UK.

If you are interested in doing business with Jersey Oil & Gas, please ensure you are registered with FPAL with an up to date capability profile and performance feedback scores from other Operators.

If you have questions regarding the above, please contact